Photopolymer One-Day - £120 per place
Learn about this acid-free, low-toxicity intaglio method in this one-day course with a difference!
Photopolymer for intaglio is a light sensitive, plate making process with many possibilities. From photographic images to hand drawn artwork, to text, texture and tone, this technique is increasingly popular with artists and printmakers alike for its ability to achieve a wide range of textures and tones. In this one day course you will discover:
Each participant will be contacted in advance for an optional 15-min online image consultation. This way, less time is spent on the computer during the course, and more time is spent printing!
Some experience with intaglio processes is recommended, but not essential.
Your consultation will require access to a computer and the internet. No specialist software will be required on your part, as your tutor will screen share the process with you.
To book email [email protected] - we will send an invoice for a bank transfer payment followed up by a welcome letter on receipt of payment.